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Thornwood Forest


Druid Meraan told you of the unusual Thornwood tree which was so large that it appears to be a forest from a distance and he was not lying. Approaching what you think are standing trees, you find they are actually a plethora of standing branches from the most unsual tree you have ever seen. The floor of the forest seems to be one gigantic mass of roots, interwoven so thickly that you cannot actually see the soil of the floor, just the light brown knotted roots. Emerging from the roots are what appear to be the tree trunks of the Thornwood, but are in fact branches of the single massive tree. The bark that covers these branches have a smooth surface covered in tiny thorns that are quite sharp to the touch. Looking upwards the tips of the branches taper into a point with no leaves in sight. Without leaves you wonder how this tree grows, and yet somehow it does. The remarkable power of growth by this tree are evidenced as you watch the people of this place chop at the spiny branches, each time one is felled another spiked spike erupts from beneath the woven roots. The work is clearly dangerous though, as you see some of the workers dive out of the way as a branch launches into the air right where some of the workers were standing!

Work LinksChop Thornwood,
Sub Locations
Adjacent LocationsThe Nexus,
Can Build?No
Can Trade?Yes
Can Cook?No
Exploration Exp13